Party: NEW YEARS EVE 2014

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Party: NEW YEARS EVE 2014

Its that time of year again. Biggest and best party night.
We love it as much as you.
New Years Eve!

Doors open at 7.30pm and close at 6am!

Cabaret from the fabulous trio of talent; Miss Jason, LA VOIX & Sandra.

Music will be dished out full force by DJ's Demon, DJ Phil Marriott (DJ & Radio Presenter) & Paul Short.


This is a SELL OUT night every year.

Tickets can be purchased from the bar or call 020 7819 9539 between noon and early evening every day.

Pre oredered tickets are £18, there will be a very very limited number of tickets on the door on the night for £20.

The ticket includes free entry on New Years Day.

If you're lazy and miss out on getting tickets, DO NOT come whining ;)

Invited: Adam James Morecroft, Stefan Doering, Alex Causton-Ronaldson, Matt Boyles, Ollie James-Parr, Malik Smith, Richard J Tropez, Daniel John, Thomas Hayward, Anthony Poore, Nicholas Colin Alderman, Dean Richard Ashby, Neil Basing, Dee Peters, Adam DjDemon, Laura Bostock, Gary McFly, Samyule J Hanson, David Robson, Carl Rex Morson, Adam Smith show more »
