Main page > Roosevelt > ROOSEVELT'S GRAND FINAL EXTRAVAGANZA! FT. Nick Fleming {27/09}
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Grand Final day. Perhaps Melbourne’s biggest celebration of the year. And why wouldn’t it be? There’s a hell-of-a-lot to like about life right now. The long-awaited Spring sun shoots tingles down your spine and the ice cold beverage that once merely inhibited you now does so much more… It has you finding pleasure in the company of those who usually annoy, it makes you reach out to that acquaintance you know you don’t see enough and, most of all, it puts a big ol’ smile on your face. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the crux of the Grand Final phenomenon; this weekend is all about you and your mates getting the heck around each other, and where better a place to do so than at Melbourne’s finest Saturday night soirée - Roosevelt. So shake off your Winter icicles and prepare… Because we are on here friends, we are absolutely on.
Saturday we welcome NICK FLEMING to the main room!
Roosevelt regulars:
Jesse James
Jesse Young
Zach Rose
Sam Cohen
Andrew Prokop
Christian Hendy
Ed Wilks
Macca Mac
Andrew Mccallum
For private booth bookings or to setup a Birthday don't hesitate to message our Fun (fan) Page >> Roosevelt <<
See you at the Bar!!