Party: LOS HEDONISTAS: Luv is the Drug

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Party: LOS HEDONISTAS: Luv is the Drug

This Valentines Day the Los Hedonistas family bring you a night of pure love.

Featuring the Los Hedonistas residents as well as the king of the love song, wedding dj extraodinaire Driller.

Come down to be with the one you love, fall in love with someone new or drown the sorrows of lost love!


Invited: Stace Anne, Maddie Clise, Tron Makonnen Santos, Tom White, Vivien Nguyen, Sam Million, Nick Madden, Shelly Haak, Kyle Woodman, Bet Bet, Erick E Watson, Ally Symons, Mike Milner, Ella York, Emily Shore, Sam Mugford, Driller Jet Armstrong, Thomas Henry Martin, Amaran Parasuramar, Tash De Agrela, Hannah Priebe-Clarke show more »
