Party: In the Lounge "Disco Night"!
Main page > Le Club Calumet > In the Lounge "Disco Night"!
Upcoming: 6
Date: 27.02.2015 18:00
Address: 334 West River Rd, Augusta, United States | show on the map »
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Members & their guests are welcome to attend this free evening. Music will be provided by DJ John Marble. There will be a Pot Luck supper, 50/50 raffle, a refresher course on the hustle & tons of fun. There will be a sign up sheet at the bar for the supper to help alleviate duplication. For more information contact Lisa Ringuette-Annunziata.
Invited: Nicole Emery, Rick Pouliot, Morgan-Scott Allarie, Tim Culbert Sr, Roseanne Swails, Daniel Goodheart, Arlene Davis, Sam Shaw, Nicole Poulin Stein, Don White, Don White, Brenda L. Rouillard, Sarah Allarie, Steve Allarie, Terri Fitzgerald, Sue Gotreau Fossett, Ann Marson Lapierre, Tamra Lee Caron-Gagne, Linda Huntington, Mary E. Plato, Paul Dupuis, Jennifer Croteau Haley, Carla Stevens, Debi Lettre Goodheart, Patricia Bonenfant, Dan Doiron, Tony Laplante, Carol Racine, Cheryl Chase Lajoie, Gerard Yeow Lapierre, Leo Duplessis, Lisa Newell, Sherry Leclair, Dick Morin, Paul Castonguay, Kim Brann Dowling, Lina Cloutier Michaud, Peter Michaud, Nancy Croteau, Donald Bilodeau, Frank Arbour, Tina Morang, Paul Morin, Jackie Jackson Lessard, Theresa Cloutier, Arlene Shaw, Holly Lynn Patton, John Marble, Ryan Theberge, Jeff Theberge, Scott Mills, Jeff Bilodeau Sr., Peggy Cummings, Clifford Chase, Pete Fuller, Brian Marson III, Nancy Lapierre Hannan, Phil Fernald, Jeannine Gotreau, Pat Boucher, Patti Dube, David Berube Sr., Joyce Levesque, Wanda Lessard show more »