Party: Jokes Please! - Spring Haunting Edition

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Party: Jokes Please! - Spring Haunting Edition

Ahhhh Spring! The time when a young man's fancy turns to the petrifying fear of phantasms.

Regular Jokes Please! attendees will know that the show has been intermittently plagued by a ghost. (Although for legal reasons we should point out that it is not for sure a ghost. It could also be a spectre, phantom, wraith or spirit… science just doesn't know.)

Anyways, it's time for some spring cleaning so we're going to finally get to the bottom of whatever is haunting Jokes Please! We WILL NOT be busting the ghost - we want to be friends with it.

Also we have these great comedians (all living):

Mark Nesbitt
Levi McCachen
Kyle Bottom
Amber Harper-Young
Erica Sigurdson
Toby Hargrave

Spooky Hosts:

Ross Dauk and Andy Kallstrom

Doors 8:30
Show at 9:00
5 to get in.
4 for drinks.

