Party: Salon Dimitroff

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Party: Salon Dimitroff

Salon Dimitroff 07 February 2015

Sa.07.02. 2015 21:30: Salon Dimitroff

Salon Dimitroff - the Variété show that travels through space and time evoking the old Berliner spirits of cabaret and the new avantgarde. Presented by the all singing and dancing Frau Groschen, Señor Depressivo & Coost Lardy Cake together with guests; thee most breath- taking caged firebird , The Phoenix in the Pyrocircus.

Gogotrash action & performance group in upcycled costumes, and introducing the exquisite Caro, one of our featured dancing and performing Creatures of the Night .

Dress up as a Creature or a Creation yourself in exchange for a delicious door discount and maximum spass! . mit singen erwünscht!

Aftershow with the Salon Dimitoff Selectors , spinning grooves from pre modern to post everything + V.I.P guest t.b.a. ... watch this space for more programme bonbons.

Showtime 22:00
ENTRY 8€ or 5€ in Costume

Invited: Kim Wilson, Jl Ariela, Quincy Junor, Matthew Peach, Chris Leete, Gabba Reifenstihl, Max H. Raeder, Devos Denis, Ole Wulfers, Rebecca Lilliecrona, Christian Graupner, Iris Romen, Neil Numb, Tallulah Freeway, Wolfgang Sinhart, Jewels Strouzer, Farhad Dilmaghani, Faris Barakat, Hito Love, Martin Waßmann, Mara Mattuschka show more »
