Party: Mr. Minneapolis Eagle Weekend #mme2018
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Make your plans for the Mr. Minneapolis Eagle 2018 Weekend.
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Thursday, November 9
Eric, MME2017, hosts Bingo with Aliveness Project at 8pm.
Friday, November 10:
3-4-1s Happy Hour 4 - 7pm
Greet the Meat 8:30p - 2a
Saturday, November 11
Open at 11am
Contestants Private Interviews 9am
Kink U @ MME 12p - 4p
MME Contest 10pm (doors at 8:30)
Sunday, November 12
Victory Brunch 10a - 2pm
NSKC Puppy Mosh 12p-3p
Showtunes Sunday 4p - 10p
Times and Events will continue to be updated as finalized.