Party: BIG SLEEP acoustic live at Death Disco

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Party: BIG SLEEP acoustic live at Death Disco

Ωγύγου 16 και Λεπενιώτου 24, Ψυρρή

BIG SLEEP acoustic

Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις 21:30
Είσοδος 5€

Ηλίας Νίσαρης: "Αυτό που ακολούθησε ήταν μια από τις πιο ατμοσφαιρικές, διονυσιακές, συγκινητικές συναυλίες που έχω δει στη ζωή μου, με τη φωνή του Stefan να απλώνεται με άνεση στο χώρο του μαγαζιού, με το δεξί του χέρι να χτυπά μανιασμένα τις χορδές, με τον ίδιο πότε να παρελαύνει ανάμεσα στους θεατές και πότε να πέφτει στους τοίχους, να διασκευάζει Beatles, Neil Young, Violent Femmes, Nick Cave, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, και γενικά να δίνει πραγματική ουσία στη φράση ροκ εν ρολ συναυλία. Μεγάλος, απλά."

Stefan Schwerdtfeger - BIG SLEEP acoustic
Singer / Songwriter Stefan Schwerdtfeger spent his childhood in the U.S.A., and later moved to Germany, from where he began his lifetime project BIG SLEEP.

BIG SLEEP's debut album "Everything Falls Into Place" immediately became a surprising and great success in Greece, the single "Looking For A Girl With A Washing-Machine" is still played in rock radio and rock bars alike;

The following cd "Moonlit Days" - recorded 1994 in the South-West of France - opened possibilities for concert tours in Ireland, Holland, Italy and France. Soon he was also performing and recording with songwriting colleagues such as Nikki Sudden, Phil Shoenfelt and Terry Lee Hale. In 1995 he moved to Greece, where he still enjoys a huge popularity.

Since then he has recorded two more albums there, "Thermaikos" (1999), and "With God And Her Sisters" (2003), both produced by Chris Eckman of the Walkabouts. Accompanied by his new Greek band "BIG SLEEP electric", he regularily plays the big stages of the country.

In 1988 he delivered 8 concerts as the "Official German Cultural Contribution to the Olympic Games" in Seoul, Korea.

As "BIG SLEEP acoustic" Stefan is currently touring solo through Europe, to present his brand-new album "White Room". It contains 16 songs that are performed
with acoustic guitar and voice exclusively. His style ranges from fragile etheric to wild and emotional.
