Party: Fault Planes | Airfield
Main page > DanceLive > Fault Planes | Airfield
Upcoming: 8
Date: 31.10.2013 19:30
Address: , Aberdeen, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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Thursday 31 October | 7.30PM
Phoenix Community Centre, Newton Dee
Tickets: £8/ £6/ £3 (students, unemployed, schoolchildren)
Age guidance 14+
Fault Planes brings together an iconic performance team for this SOUND/ DanceLive premiere: sound artist Bill Thompson, director/choreographer Ian Spink and dancer Steinvor Palsson, in collaboration with Scottish film-maker Alan Paterson.
Experience live soundscapes colliding with people, objects and visuals in this artistic, geological, historical oddity. What happens when continents collide? What does it feel like and… where are we now? Fault Planes attempts to answer these questions and even more in a performance utilising various electronic devices, junk, weird dance, projected images and the occasional glimpse of lucidity.
The performance will be followed by a sound conversation with the artists.
This event is part of DanceLive and sound