Rafaela Anflor parties

Rafaela Anflor

Rafaela Anflor

gender: female | Language: Eesti | Facebook link

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Rafaela Anflor went (37)

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Rafaela Anflor people attended Só o Beco Salva o Namoro | PROMO DE HORA EM HORA | 17.06.2015 07:41 Rafaela Anflor people attended Só o Beco Salva o Namoro | PROMO DE HORA EM HORA | Rafaela Anflor people attended GLOW WINGS | Tintas Neon + Canetas Fluorescentes + Glowsticks + Luz Negra 20.04.2015 12:39 Rafaela Anflor people attended GLOW WINGS | Tintas Neon + Canetas Fluorescentes + Glowsticks + Luz Negra Rafaela Anflor people attended VOTE FOR VODKA - OPEN BAR DE VODKA! 02.04.2015 22:44 Rafaela Anflor people attended VOTE FOR VODKA - OPEN BAR DE VODKA! Rafaela Anflor people attended SÓ O BECO SALVA A PÁSCOA | Promos de Bebidas no telão de hora em hora | Doses Dupla, Drinks FREE e outras surpresas 30.03.2015 20:06 Rafaela Anflor people attended SÓ O BECO SALVA A PÁSCOA | Promos de Bebidas no telão de hora em hora | Doses Dupla, Drinks FREE e outras surpresas Rafaela Anflor people attended F5 | Only new songs (2014/15) 30.03.2015 20:06 Rafaela Anflor people attended F5 | Only new songs (2014/15) Rafaela Anflor people attended MOVIES LIKE JAGGER | Soundtrack Party com Red Carpet + Pipoca + Guloseimas 27.03.2015 18:20 Rafaela Anflor people attended MOVIES LIKE JAGGER | Soundtrack Party com Red Carpet + Pipoca + Guloseimas Rafaela Anflor people attended FANCY #2 | 27.03 | SEXTA | LAIKA CLUB 23.03.2015 15:21 Rafaela Anflor people attended FANCY #2 | 27.03 | SEXTA | LAIKA CLUB Rafaela Anflor people attended IMPÉRIO DA LÃ apresenta Classic Albums: BACK IN BLACK do AC/DC 14.03.2015 17:02 Rafaela Anflor people attended IMPÉRIO DA LÃ apresenta Classic Albums: BACK IN BLACK do AC/DC Rafaela Anflor people attended BECOPALOOZA | Decoração Temática + Mosh + Tintas + Camisetas de Bandas + Copos Especiais 13.03.2015 22:33 Rafaela Anflor people attended BECOPALOOZA | Decoração Temática + Mosh + Tintas + Camisetas de Bandas + Copos Especiais Rafaela Anflor people attended CLUBE DA LUTA | Pop x Indie | Nacional x Classic | Soundtracks x Covers 10.03.2015 01:36 Rafaela Anflor people attended CLUBE DA LUTA | Pop x Indie | Nacional x Classic | Soundtracks x Covers Rafaela Anflor people attended FIVE | Banda Rockin’ Cats (Stray Cats Cover) 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended FIVE | Banda Rockin’ Cats (Stray Cats Cover) Rafaela Anflor people attended SÓ O BECO SALVA O ROCK NO CARNAVAL 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended SÓ O BECO SALVA O ROCK NO CARNAVAL Rafaela Anflor people attended Clube da Luta | Especial Carnaval 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended Clube da Luta | Especial Carnaval Rafaela Anflor people attended CARNAVAL TRANSANTE | Brasilidades de ontem, hoje e amanhã-Dose dupla de caipirinha até 01h! 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended CARNAVAL TRANSANTE | Brasilidades de ontem, hoje e amanhã-Dose dupla de caipirinha até 01h! Rafaela Anflor people attended CARNAVAL DO BECO | OPEN À FANTASIA 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended CARNAVAL DO BECO | OPEN À FANTASIA Rafaela Anflor people attended Baile de Peruas de Carnaval_Free para ás 150 primeiras mulheres com nome na lista! 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended Baile de Peruas de Carnaval_Free para ás 150 primeiras mulheres com nome na lista! Rafaela Anflor people attended SASHA GREY: Especial 50 Shades of Grey - | Welcome drink + performances + jogos eróticos + rodadas de catuaba 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended SASHA GREY:  Especial 50 Shades of Grey - | Welcome drink + performances +  jogos eróticos + rodadas de catuaba Rafaela Anflor people attended INDIEROKKERS – Especial The Kooks e Kasabian 12.02.2015 22:24 Rafaela Anflor people attended INDIEROKKERS – Especial The Kooks e Kasabian Rafaela Anflor people attended ☼ Beco Invade apresenta CARNABECO em Atlântida - OPEN BAR! ☼ 31.01.2015 03:04 Rafaela Anflor people attended ☼ Beco Invade apresenta CARNABECO em Atlântida - OPEN BAR! ☼ Rafaela Anflor people attended Maori Folia com Sambô - Carnaval Maori 22.01.2015 00:25 Rafaela Anflor people attended Maori Folia com Sambô - Carnaval Maori Rafaela Anflor people attended ☼ BECO INVADE DE VERÃO apresenta MANSÃO BECO ☼ Pool Party 15.01.2015 17:22 Rafaela Anflor people attended ☼ BECO INVADE DE VERÃO apresenta MANSÃO BECO ☼ Pool Party Rafaela Anflor people attended Match203 Beija Sapo no La Barca | App Clubee + Cineminha + bombons e muito mais! 15.12.2014 19:14 Rafaela Anflor people attended Match203 Beija Sapo no La Barca | App Clubee + Cineminha + bombons e muito mais! Rafaela Anflor people attended Beco na Zona! | La Barca Café Club 11.12.2014 22:34 Rafaela Anflor people attended Beco na Zona! | La Barca Café Club Rafaela Anflor people attended Not So Cute - Especial Florence and the Machine! | Algodão Doce + Chuva de Papel Picado + Bexigas + FREE Candy! 08.12.2014 20:11 Rafaela Anflor people attended Not So Cute - Especial Florence and the Machine! | Algodão Doce + Chuva de Papel Picado + Bexigas + FREE Candy! Rafaela Anflor people attended F**k Rehab de Férias | Open Bar vodka, whisky, cerveja, refri e 5 drinks 07.12.2014 16:20 Rafaela Anflor people attended F**k Rehab de Férias | Open Bar vodka, whisky, cerveja, refri e 5 drinks Rafaela Anflor people attended Lollypop Party | TEAM LOLLY | SEX | 19.12 | VODKA COLORIDA + PIRULITOS ALCOÓLICOS e DOGUINHO + BRIGADEIRO AFTER 5AM | ASTRO 05.12.2014 17:46 Rafaela Anflor people attended Lollypop Party | TEAM LOLLY | SEX | 19.12 | VODKA COLORIDA + PIRULITOS ALCOÓLICOS e DOGUINHO + BRIGADEIRO AFTER 5AM | ASTRO Rafaela Anflor people attended HANGOVER | É HOJE QUARTA.10.DEZ | SWAG NIGHT | LAIKA CLUB 30.11.2014 07:01 Rafaela Anflor people attended HANGOVER | É HOJE QUARTA.10.DEZ | SWAG NIGHT | LAIKA CLUB Rafaela Anflor people attended Fuck Rehab! Open Bar: Vodka, Whisky, Cerveja, Refri e 5 drinks a noite toda! 30.11.2014 06:15 Rafaela Anflor people attended Fuck Rehab! Open Bar: Vodka, Whisky, Cerveja, Refri e 5 drinks a noite toda! Rafaela Anflor people attended DIA MUNDIAL DO BECO! Open Bar | Findi Oficial de comemoração dos 10 anos do Beco 16.11.2014 04:16 Rafaela Anflor people attended DIA MUNDIAL DO BECO! Open Bar | Findi Oficial de comemoração dos 10 anos do Beco Rafaela Anflor people attended Só o Beco Salva! (Aquece Arctic Monkeys - AM World Tour) 04.11.2014 07:36 Rafaela Anflor people attended Só o Beco Salva! (Aquece Arctic Monkeys - AM World Tour)



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Address: Av. Independência, 936, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Phone: +55 (51) 3026 2126

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Laika LaikaClub

Laika LaikaClub

Address: Aureliano de Figueiredo Pinto, 984, Cidade Baixa - Porto Alegre - RS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Phone: 51 98152267

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Maori Beach Club

Maori Beach Club

Address: RS-389, Km 29, Xangri-La, Brazil
Phone: (51) 3527.1655

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