OPEN always round-the-clock ;) Come by and drink, work, smoke, chill and/or dance at Mein Haus am Se...
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OPEN always round-the-clock ;) Come by and drink, work, smoke, chill and/or dance at Mein Haus am See, the Berlin-Mitte non-stop chillout base has to offer if it comes to art & music & exquisit drinks & delicious food!
For exhibitions, performances, bookings etc.: please send your portfolio / demos / art to art&
Various kinds of exhibitions and installations are hosted at Mein Haus am See, if you are interested, let us know!
5 days a week, MHaS offers you the best of music...
We are hosting live performances as well as experimental theatre, lunch concerts etc. as well, so stay tuned!
Impressum: Mein Haus am See GmbH - Torstrasse 125 I 10119 Berlin I Germany
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 152279 B
UStIDNr DE 290944434
Inhaltlich verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Claudia-Maria Humeniuk
Büro: Torstrasse 147 I 10119 Berlin I Germany
Phone: ++49-(0)30-